BLUEAQUAEDU : Blue Career Centre for Aquaculture
Education supported by a gamification approach and distance learning platform
Project number: 101124699

1. Develop a Gamification Application for cages and recirculating aquaculture system technologies and 5 fish species:
Enhance and promote the digital learning experience for students by integrating game mechanics and techniques elements, with real-life events and environments, to make the content stimulating to achieve the set objectives. The BlueAquaEdu game will be a mobile resource management game that aims to educate the public about the operation of fish farms, the risks associated with these facilities and their environmental footprint.

2. Develop 5 common training programs for aquaculture (cage farming, hatcheries, RAS), the post-
harvesting value chain and valorisation of processing by-products:
Define, analyze and provide detailed specializations for the development of relevant common training programs. The pooling of partners’ resources will promote the mobility of learners and teachers, sharing of best practices and exchange of experiences to improve training programs. BlueAquaEdu aims to increase societal awareness obout ocean issues and the attractiveness of blue careers in higher education.

3. Attract skilled mentors with practical experience in selected sectors:
BlueAquaEdu, is designed to guide, support and inspire students towards careers in the Blue Economy by relying on the skills and capabilities of mentors to overcome professional barriers, develop career paths and enable students/mentees to succeed. Mentors will be determined according to various required criteria (both technical and soft skills) so that they can provide effective support to students.

4. Establishment of the Consortium Network (CN) and the virtual Aquaculture Educational Network
the above Objectives No.1, No.2 and No.3 will be the basis for the virtual Aquaculture Educational Network (v-AquaEduN), a dynamic ground-breaking network of academics, aquaculture industrial representatives and public authorities focused on establishing and improving relationships between education and the aquaculture industry and exploiting the full value of collaboration. The v-AquaEduN will be hosted and facilitated in the e-Platform of BlueAquaEdu below (Objective No. 5).

5. Development of the distance learning e-Platform of BlueAquaEdu:
a digital platform will be developed for hosting all the innovative face to face and digital training/mentoring tools, modules and material for the selected industries of aquaculture, post-harvesting value chain and valorisation of the processing byproducts and the respective competent teachers/mentors/lecturers.

6. Organisation of Workshops for aquaculture as well as on the post-harvesting value chain and
valorisation of the processing by-products:
These workshops will aim at promoting professional networking and fostering transnational mobility of students and mentors between France, Greece, Portugal and French Guiana.

7. Organisation of Summer Schools for aquaculture, post-harvesting value chain and valorisation of the processing by-products:
These summer schools will combine fundamental science with behavioural competencies, soft skills, and business development (innovation and commercialisation of research results).

8. Apprenticeships/Traineeships schemes:
BlueAquaEdu will strengthen the cooperation between the educational community and the aquaculture industry by implementing Apprenticeships and Traineeships schemes for a specific time period (2 to 4 months) that correspond to the field of studies/expertise of students. The aim is to strengthen the skills of undergraduate and postgraduate students through a combination of training, advisory and certification activities and increase their probability to secure a job in the aquaculture domain.

9. Development of a Serious Game:
mobile game that aims to educate the target audience on how fish farms function, the risk involved in such facilities and their environmental footprint on the planet. The game will enhance and promote the digital learning experience of the students with a special online learning content, to make it fun and engaging and encourage learners to explore and learn as they try to achieve a goal.

10. Increased visibility and attractiveness of blue careers in the aquaculture, post-harvesting value chain and valorisation of the processing by-products sectors:
Technology is undoubtedly having a major impact on contemporary learning environments by changing the way students learn, the way teachers deliver material and the way in which we design learning spaces for future educational opportunities. The BlueAquaEdu gamification and e-Platform with its modules will increase the number of vocational options for new generations in the aquaculture industry, post-harvesting value chain and valorisation of the processing by-products sectors and will help to attract young people to follow a blue career path.

11. Career guidance & enhanced employability:
The BlueAquaEdu toolkit (knowledge pooling/sharing and innovative face to face and digital training/mentoring tools) for the aquaculture, post-harvesting value chain and valorisation of the processing by-products sectors will assist undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as young professionals, to fully align themselves with the actual needs of the aquaculture industry in terms of required skills, competencies and working conditions. BlueAquaEdu will improve the career guidance process by combining face to face activities with digital learning technologies, which will lead to enhanced employability for young professionals in the aquaculture sector.