Work Packages

Work Package 2

Establishment of the virtual Aquaculture Educational (v-AquaEdu) Network

Leader : The Agricultural University of Athens (AUA)

The objectives of this WP are to develop common training programs for the aquaculture industry (hatcheries, cage culture, RAS, post-harvest value chain and valorization of processing by-products) based on existing educational activities which aim to develop the skills and qualifications required for a wide range of professions in the field of aquaculture and the blue economy. Recruiting mentors on technical and soft skills will provide students with references to guide, support and inspire them towards careers in the blue economy.

Work Package 4

Hands-on experience and the interpersonal relationship experience

Leader : LAMAR SA

The main objective is to organize workshops and summer schools to promote the common courses developed in WP2 and to raise awareness and share knowledge about job opportunities and careers in aquaculture. Competitions for high school students (15-18 years old) and university and vocational training students (18+) will promote the development of new ideas that could be developed by industry players and enhance the attractiveness of the aquaculture sector.

Work Package 3

The e-Platform of BlueAquaEdu

Leader : MOBICS Telecommunication and Consulting Services SA

The aim of developing the e-platform is to bring together the educational elements developed in the project. This e-platform will be implemented as a fully web-based application, deployed within a modular and extensible architecture.

Work Package 5

Developing the serious game for aquaculture education

Leader : MINDS Technologies & Environmental Sciences PC

The design and development of digital resources for this WP will be integrated into the WP3 electronic platform. These interactive resources will be used for remote familiarization of students with open-sea rearing cages, hatchery, RAS, etc.
The development of the gamification application to enhance and promote the students' digital learning experience will integrate gaming mechanisms and techniques/components with real-life events and environments, with the aim of improving the quality of teaching.
Two digital competitions will be developed, with content linked to topical issues relevant to the aquaculture industry and involving fish species from the Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea and the EU Outermost Regions.

Work Package 1

Project management and coordination

Leader : The Agricultural University of Athens (AUA)

WP1 aims to manage the project activities and ensure effective collaboration among the partners in the multi-disciplinary Consortium, throughout the duration of the project, by monitoring progress, by ensuring task objectives are achieved and milestones reached, by managing project finances, and by establishing communication channels inside and outside the BlueAquaEdu Consortium.

Work Package 6

Dissemination and communication

Leader : AQUIMER

This WP aims to maximize the impact of the project by disseminating the results/outputs and the generated knowledge to target audience. Thus, it will increase visibility and attractiveness of aquaculture as a blue career, through synergies and cooperation between industry and education/training, it will establish networks and will promote replication / transfer.

Project organization